Case study
Matthew Bond
Protective Care Group roles
Designated Safeguarding Lead, Compliance and CQC Registered Manager, Restraint Reduction Lead
My name is Matthew Bond, I’m currently completing a Level 5 Diploma in Leadership for Health and Social Care and Children and Young People’s Services. I thoroughly enjoy my role and have climbed the ladder to reach this point.
I wasn’t always a care worker. I began my career in the Police Service. At the young age of 19, I was thrust into the chaotic world of crime fighting and maintaining the Queen’s peace. This is where I started to acquire skills that include, but are not limited to: safeguarding, conflict management, risk identification and mitigation, coaching and mentoring, providing guidance and support to those experiencing adverse situations, communication skills, and resilience.
I spent 11 years honing these skills. There are many careers other than care work that involve dealing with crises and providing help and support to those recovering from them.
I left the Police in 2018 and had a brief stint in the motor industry followed by an even briefer stint in security. It was during the COVID-19 pandemic that I realised how many people across the country needed support, so I applied to work in the care sector.
It was at this point that I discovered how many transferable skills I had. I quickly recognised the adverse experiences that these individuals had suffered. The emergency services are usually the first on the scene in crisis situations, so invaluable knowledge stemming from hands-on experience and empathy was forged.
Since starting as a support worker at PCG, I have drawn on this experience to excel in my role. The resilience I possess benefits the young people I have cared for. Time and time again, despite challenging behaviours such as violence, absconding, or aggression, I have returned to them and offered mentorship and guidance, explaining that I am here, and we, as a team, are ‘not abandoning you’. We can navigate through the challenging behaviours and engage with the frightened child.
I have gained significant experience in conflict resolution and the statute law that governs it (section 3 CLA 1967 & Common Law). This, coupled with my ability to recognise how it fits into the model of conflict management and decision making, has given me and the teams I have worked with, the confidence to resort to safe restraints to protect our young people and the people around them. We would only ever use restraint as a last resort.
As such, there’s very little that a young person can throw at us that will prevent us from providing ongoing care. These are skills I learned in the police and have honed within Protective Care Group.
I’m now in a leadership position and I didn’t come from a care background. This is why I felt it was important to share my narrative. You may have the aptitude and attitude we need, regardless of your vocational background.