Since 2021 we have become specialists in working with complex and extremely challenging young people and have also been asked to contract within Local Authority OFSTED homes and Specialist Secure Accommodation due to the specialism our staff can offer.
A flexible approach to care
We are flexible with our approach and can facilitate a robust and experienced team around most young people. Our current range of placements includes:
1:1 – we only offer this type of support to young people we have worked with for some time and are going through the transition to adulthood and independent living. We do not offer this support to new referrals.
2:1 and 3:1 Support – This is the level where most of our services sit, although at times we have had to work 4:1 when the levels of aggression are extreme or the risk to life from suicide is high.
We are partnered with the Restraint Reduction Network and do not agree with placing unnecessary restrictions on young people. Our staff are well trained and can often work at lower ratio’s than other care companies due to the training they receive through their induction and onboarding process.
We work with young people who have a wide range of diagnoses which include:
• Trauma/Abuse
• Attachment Disorders
• Alcohol Fetal Syndrome
• Personality Disorders and much more
Long Term
We can offer short or long term care packages but we specialise in longer term work involving children with challenging behaviour where intervention is sometimes necessary to keep the child, their family and community safe.
Each carer undergoes a rigid induction process and will receive extensive training in all areas of health & care as well as having regular supervision. Our clients and stakeholders will also receive regular reports and we are always on-hand if there is a problem or situation you need to discuss with us. We have a 24/7 on-call rota.
Short-Term and Crisis Care
Specialist Support for children or adults who have complex and challenging needs. Support may be needed for young people in crisis or who have short term needs. As our packages are bespoke we have staff who are trained to support in a crisis.
Where appropriate, we can support young people at home in an outreach capacity to support their transition from the home or to prevent them from coming into residential care.
Specialist Support
For children with severe behavioural issues who reside within the care system, foster care, or in mental health units.
At each setting we work in, we always concentrate on the needs of the young people with a “trauma informed” philosophy of care.