Leading & developing our support teams.
They’re operational leaders, managers and compliance experts, friends too but above all else, they care. We believe in home-growing our leaders which is why we are always putting more and more training and development in place for our people.
Our team and a little about their roles
Our field based leadership team encompasses Regional Leadership, multi-home Managers, single home Managers, Deputies and Senior Support Workers who are all supported by our head office and regional People Team which includes HR out in the field.
They work closely with the local authorities, the young people themselves, all the supporting agencies and their families to design a truly person-centered service offering for our young people.
As each young person is individual, every team is also unique. These leaders work closely with the recruitment team when interviewing and running insightful, challenging and fun assessment days. They also induct, train and develop our support worker teams.

They’ve got an eye on the future too; always thinking ahead, always striving for improvement and always laser-focused on delivering the very best levels of care.
It’s true, their roles are challenging for many reasons; from attention to compliance and regulation, embedding new joiners to the team, monitoring performance and juggling rotas with teams across the UK. They’re a multi-skilled team who’ll work closely with local authorities, the CQC and Ofsted. Hours can vary in support of the teams and also for travel around the region or to head office for recruitment and training days.

What our people say…
PCG is a fast-growing company who always have the best interests of the young people in their care at the heart of everything. Having the knowledge that the empathy for the young people that we support runs throughout the company gives us carers a stronger sense of pride.
From a leader in our Field Management Team, 2023